Cotechino Cremonese-Molinari Maurizio, workshop of the salami


Obtained from the transformation from pork sausage, using a route characterized by skill in selecting parts of the pig.

Great slow cooked and served with a side of lentils.

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Products by Maurizio Molinari, is obtained from the transformation from pig stuffed with a route where denotes the mastery in select parts of the pig.

Cotechino cremonese is achieved by using harder muscles of swine, nerves resulting from clearing party for salami, and with the addition of the rind.

Our sausage has an average weight of 1.3 kg.

After short aged cheeses should be eaten cooked.

By Sabrina

Cotechino with lentils is a typical dish of the menu of the Christmas holidays especially new year's Eve, it is said that eating sausage and lentils before midnight is a good omen for the new year.

How to cook sausage?

Prick the surface with the prongs of a fork, then wrap it in a white binding blueprint ends with string.

Dip it in a pot, cover with water and bring to a boil at this point lower the heat and let it simmer for at least two hours.

When cooked, let stand the sausage for a few minutes in water before removing it and remove it from the blueprint.

Once extracted from the pot and take away from blueprint cut into thick slices and arrange on a serving dish that accompagnadolo with stewed lentils. 

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